My Hair Journey: Staying Consistent Through the Tough Weeks of Motherhood

As a mom with a busy family, my hair care routine is often one of the first things to go when things get hectic. But as someone with challenging hair, I know that staying consistent is key to maintaining healthy and beautiful hair. Here's how I manage to stay on track with my hair care routine even when life gets tough.


Simplify your routine 

With so many demands on your time and attention, it can be tempting to skip steps or cut corners in your hair care routine. But a simpler routine can help you stay consistent even on the busiest days. For me, that means focusing on the basics: cleansing, conditioning, and moisturizing. I use a sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner to gently cleanse and hydrate my hair, and a leave-in conditioner or oil to lock in moisture and prevent breakage.

Plan ahead

As a busy mom, I know that planning ahead is essential for staying on top of everything. That includes my hair care routine! I make sure to stock up on my favorite hair care products, and I schedule time for washing and styling my hair into my weekly routine. I also plan my hairstyles for the week based on my schedule and activities, so I know exactly what I need to do each day to keep my hair looking its best.


Get the kids involved

One of the biggest challenges of motherhood is finding time for yourself. But getting the kids involved in your hair care routine can be a fun way to spend time together and take care of yourself at the same time. I often let my kids help me apply my leave-in conditioner or style my hair, and it's a great bonding experience for us.


Don't be too hard on yourself

Finally, it's important to remember that life can be unpredictable, and sometimes things don't go according to plan. On those days when my hair care routine falls by the wayside, I try not to beat myself up about it. Instead, I remind myself that taking care of myself is just as important as taking care of my family, and I make an effort to get back on track as soon as I can.


In conclusion, managing a hair care routine while juggling family and other responsibilities can be challenging. But with a simplified routine, some planning, and a little flexibility, it's possible to stay consistent and maintain healthy and beautiful hair. Remember, taking care of yourself is an important part of being a great mom, so don't be afraid to make time for yourself and your hair care routine. 

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